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You finally get home from work feeling peckish, you're sure you can't wait for the food delivery to arrive with, but you don't have any energy to cook either...

This is when POLCZ comes to your rescue. You just take it off the shelf,
screw the cap off, pop it in the microwave and it's done in 2 minutes


You finally get home from work, your eyes are bothering you with hunger, you're sure you can't wait for a delivery boy to come with your food, but you don't have the energy to cook...

Just take it off the shelf, screw the cap on, throw it in the microwave and it's ready in 2 minutes.

1 box = 1 lunch or dinner

for those days when you don't feel like cooking

free from logo

Just take the box off the pantry shelf and after two minutes of heating, you'll have a delicious and nutritious lunch, free from allergens and additives.

We show you how easy it works

So you can have a delicious meal on the table in 2 minutes, even on a busy day. Without any additives and preservatives!

Take the POLCZ ready-made meal off the shelf

Heat it up on the stove or in the microwave

After 2 minutes of heating you can eat it


POLCZ was born out of the recognition of our own problem.
We couldn't find a ready-made product on the shelves that we, as health-conscious people, could consume with peace of mind during our busy weekdays. We missed products that were quick to prepare and not full of added sugar and additives. In the end, we decided to create dishes that met our own expectations. We then made them available to anyone looking for a practical, tasty and free from preparation like us.

How does it not spoil without refrigeration?

The method was discovered by a pastry chef in Napoleon's time. He observed that if you put the food in a tightly sealed glass jar and then put it in boiling water for a certain period of time, it would still be edible months later. For this discovery, Napoleon rewarded him with the title of "Benefactor of Mankind" and a considerable fortune. No wonder, since the French army was so short of food that starvation and scurvy took more victims than the enemy.

Housewives still use this method to make fruit jams and preserves in the summer. Meat dishes are now difficult to cook at home, because boiling is no longer enough for such dishes, which require higher heat and steam, but the principle is the same.

This is how POLCZ food is made, using the same method that has been used for over 200 years, without preservatives.

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