Super quick tortilla roll - full of all the good stuff

You know that feeling when you want to eat something really delicious, but you don't feel like spending hours in the kitchen using up all your clean dishes for a gourmet meal?
Well, we have good news, tortillas are just the dish for those days! It's ready in no time and you can practically fill it with whatever you fancy.

This time we bring you a delicious Moroccan chickpea roll, and it's so easy to make that we'll show you in pictures instead of text.

Ingredients for 4 rolls:
  • 1 jar POLCZ Moroccan chickpeas
  • 2 larger pieces of carrot
  • mixed small salad vegetables (arugula, baby spinach)
  • 4 larger tortilla sheets
  • salt, pepper, possibly grill vegetable seasoning (for carrots)
  • a little oil
  • sausage rings (of course, this can be omitted if one wants to stay on the vegan line).

If you want, you can make the tortilla sheet at home, of course, but for the sake of speed, we opted for the store-bought version.
Once we have the ingredients in our hands, all we have to do is put together a delicious lunch!

However, before you start rolling the carrots, peel them, halve them lengthways and cut them into smaller pieces.
Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper, drizzle with a little oil and season. Then they are ready to go into the oven, where they will brown nicely at 200°C for about 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, dice the sausages and fry them in a little oil.

Once the carrots are ready, you can start assembling the tortilla rolls:
6 simple steps and you're ready to snack

As you can see from the pictures, the process is not too complicated: the ingredients are stacked on top of each other (be careful not to overfill the roll, as you won't be able to fold it in). When you have everything you need, fold the sides of the roll over each other, then gently fold in the bottom and top.
Next, a little toasting, i.e. frying both sides of the tortilla in a little oil until nicely browned.

The whole process takes about 15 minutes, but destroying the rolls is even faster.
Caution! After one roll, you will definitely not be able to stop!

If you're in the mood to try this delicacy and you've made it, let us know how you liked this oriental snack!
And if you've filled it with something else, feel free to send us the recipe, we like to experiment too!

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